Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bad Hair Day

One of the last things David and I wanted to do before our trip was get our hair cut. Made sense, because the longer we waited, the less likely we'd be to have to mess with it during the trip. For me, that meant making an appointment and getting some friends to help me find a short, simple cut that would require no maintenance, keep me cool, and improve our aerodynamics!

Since David cuts his own hair, he doesn't need to bother with appointments. Unfortunately, on Monday night when David was getting ready for a last pre-trip trim, his razor didn't seem to be working. He removed the attachment comb (used to choose how long you want your hair cut), messed around with it, and immediately tested it out by running the now-worker yet completely-unprotected razor straight over his head. We're hoping the resulting "racing stripe" will help us bike faster.

David trimmed the rest of his hair down as far as I was willing to let him (even with helmets, I don't want to start our trip with him completely bald!). His plan is to wear a hat for his last two days of work. Other than that, we are now completely packed and anxious to leave!

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