Monday, June 11, 2012

Boot Camp

There is No Finish Line.

We continue our story at the completion of the Century (see previous post).

Pike's Push-Ups
We barely had enough energy to stumble our way home (after platefuls of onion rings and chicken wings) and into bed before I had to be up at 6am for Renew Fitness Boot Camp. My friend Rita puts it on and I haven't missed one yet. It's a week of 3 workouts a day - and although it's not the ideal way to recover from a 104-mile bike ride, I was only hindered by cold sweats and nausea for the first 2 days, lol. 

We did yoga three separate times, and I really believe that made the difference for me. Stretching is incredibly important in taking care of your muscles, and if done right can aid in recovery. Biking is an especially fixed movement, and many bikers and runners would greatly benefit from the added flexibility that Yoga develops. David and I have already talked about getting into a stretching routine both during and after our ride each day.

Usually, running is easy for me...

Our friends, Connor, Kristin, and Megan came to visit the final day of Boot Camp and I talked the girls into going with me to Ojo Caliente, a mineral springs spa, the next day. My absolute favorite form of recovery is a 13 minute sit in the steam room followed by the coldest shower you can stand.The new blood pumping to your tired muscles is like a drug to me :)

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